Thursday 8 May 2014

Get Access To Your Spiritual Awakening Here


Here’s my first guided meditation, written just for you.

“We have to unlearn what we have learned, to know what we knew.” – Barnabas

The purpose of writing this article was to help bring you to a moment of deeper awareness, a time where you will be “in the moment” like never before, to give you a brief escape into non duality. Others have called this an “a-ha” moment, a moment of revelation, and then like Archimedes in his bath, you will shout out “Eureka!” So, just stop thinking about the cares of your day, and make a note of them and my hope is that later when you return to them you will have a new perspective on how to triumph over any difficulties you may have been encountering before you started reading

I want you to realise that you are the great designer of your life. You are the one that has been putting all of these experiences together, and unlike what you may have previously thought, none of it was random. Please put your hand on your chest and feel that beating heart of yours. That is what is known by philosophers and spiritual men and women as purpose. You were meant to be here in this moment with me, to enable you to rediscover something you already knew about yourself, and yet it has been hidden from you.

The time for stillness has arrived! The time to let the waters become crystal clear, it’s time for you to gain a fuller perspective on your life. “Think back to when you were a child, Your soul was free, your heart ran wild, Each day was different, and life was a thrill, You knew tomorrow would be better still!” (Larry Norman). It’s time to regain that child-like experience, to know what you knew back then. Your soul is speaking to you; can you hear what is being said?

Religion has often helped people to come to this place, to show people how to reconnect with their soul, but sadly it has been used to help people to be defined as a follower of this or that, rather than to be able you to define yourself. I would like you to consider instead, what would the happy go lucky child, whose love for life and excitement for tomorrow that you once were, make of the person you’ve become? Maybe they would ask you “Where has the thrill of being alive gone?”

It’s time for you to find yourself. It’s time to rediscover your soul; time to see that the purpose of the experience that you call reality, has always been to bring about your own soul’s expectation of heaven on earth; time to realise that most of the things that concern those unconnected with their souls are of little or no consequence whatsoever; it’s time to bring happiness where sadness existed; it’s time to allow yourself to experience joy that is so full that words can’t explain; it's time for you to experience joy unspeakable.

Just for a few moments let go of all the troubles large and small that have crowded your thinking for far too long; please let them all go. Re-connect with the child-like soul inside you! Have that intention and it will be so. Here in this place of joy unspeakable, the concerns of our thinking seem unimportant, and now it's possible to feel what life is really all about. It’s time no longer be focus our awareness on what our parents and peers have programmed us to think, but instead to be, maybe for the first time, in touch with how the spiritual oneness feels.

Listen to your soul. Take some time now to reconnect. What questions come to mind? Maybe you’d like to ask your soul, the same life-force that has been engineering all the events of your life to bring you to this present moment “What do you want me to do next?” “What have you been preparing me for?” “How can I use all the experiences of my life to be a blessing to myself, my family, my friends and the whole world?”

Write down all and any answers you receive and come back to this place every day and find what is good for your soul. As you start to think about the world you left behind to approach this moment of awakening, maybe you will find that some of the concerns and problems you wrote down at the beginning of this meditation now seem solvable or insignificant? I believe that having the clarity to enable you to live your life your way, will become a real blessing for you and for those whose lives you touch.

Love and light to you from your Andrew (aka Barnabas) :) <3

To download a FREE audio copy of my article please visit: Access To Your Spiritual Awakening Here

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