Tuesday 6 May 2014

Consciousness and Awakening


"Are you awake ... I mean fully awake?" - Barnabas

Have you ever considered what separates us from the rest of the natural world? I believe it’s not only that we are aware, but also that we’re aware that we are aware, and more than that, we are able to communicate these facts to each other by way of speech and the written word. Through books, articles, the internet and audio/video recordings we can communicate with those who share the time we spend on Earth; and we are also able to share our thoughts with those not yet born. I find that rather cool, how about you?

With such an ability resident in each one of us, it must be worth considering what it is we want to say to those able to hear our voice or read our written words, both now and in years to come. I have challenged myself, despite being a man of many words, to restrict myself to only writing articles that have something significant to say to my present and future readers. Words, that I believe will have an impact on their lives, personally and human life wherever it may be in time to come. It’s easy to blab on about nothing in particular, or so I have found, but no more of that from me.

People use their consciousness for many things in their day to day lives; to pursue belief systems, intimate relationships, friendships, careers, creating wealth, leisure activities and the like. We all have our own preferences; each one of us is seeking the best way to find personal happiness and fulfilment. And yet what if there is a more direct path to what often turns out to be an elusive goal? What if by using your own consciousness, you were able to find a level of alertness that enabled you to be in a place of acceptance, peace, joy and of course happiness at all times?

It maybe sounds like a religious or spiritual experience that I am describing here? Well I can’t deny that many have found what I am about to describe by taking that pathway to it. However, on this occasion I believe to get there, all you need is an open mind and a little of my (maybe failing) logic. Are you awake, I mean fully awake? Well, maybe none of us have been in such a place yet; we have been told that we use less than 10% of our brains neural pathways. I do hope as you read my words you are as awake as you’ve ever been to the possibilities contained within human consciousness.

Religion claims that god made us in his image, atheism suggests we have made god in our own image, but what if: we have made up the whole story of our own human lives? What if, we are pure consciousness expressed collectively and holographicly in a material world? Our decision to concentrate all our existence on material matters would be experientially valid, but maybe missing the joy and the depth of the consciousness we have available to us? Of course whilst we are here we need to play our part physically, but not to be unaware of the deeper truth of who we are?

To consider such a notion, would make nonsense of the desire to “have our own way” because: when seen at the deeper level, what else is it possible for us to have, other than our own way? What I mean is, if we are each an autonomous expression of pure consciousness, then at the place where all consciousness is joined we can see that our actions and inactions are both a part we play in the current construct of material “reality”, and also an expression of our own desires whether conscious or subconscious. We can create the outcomes we desire, because we create our own world.

Physically we are made of star stuff, but our consciousness, our awareness, our awake-ness when we discover it is nothing less than the observer that makes this “reality” possible! And what is more; the observer, the one who weighs up our own lives from within is all of what we pursue in the material world outside. That which we seek is within us and it is seeking us, longing for us to be aware of its non-judgemental and loving acceptance of who we are. In looking for “home” we have merely left that place in some prodigal manner, but it is time to come to our senses.

We live in a material and physical construct of duality, but our “awareness”, the observer within, doesn’t have to remain there all the time. On a physical level we have to accept the permanence of duality, but in the place of pure consciousness we don’t; there, we can accept the positive and the negative sides of our nature and accept them as part of who we are and be at peace with such an idea. Our worthiness is not an issue, we are loved come what may; we have thought that love is lost, but love is not gone, love can never leave!

The mind is interested in the many stories we tell ourselves, and we allow these stories to define our lives and who we are. Yet, we are not these stories; the nature of a story is either than it is in the past, or it is made up and therefore not true. The waves that rise up in our lives all dissipate and break and all that is finally left is the calmness of the ocean. The ocean is the great sea of love, peace, joy and happiness and we are that ocean, we are love! Our thoughts and experiences come and go, like the waves, but that which is permanent is the ocean.

In the end analysis, if you agree with me, life can no longer be thought of as a bodily function, a geographical location. The true seeker is not interested in the drama of physical life, the true seeker is looking for the beloved; the journey to the beloved one is one of simplicity because the beloved, the one who accepts us fully, the one who is and always has been at home waiting for us to come to our senses, is the one who left there too. The true meaning of life and existence is this: we are unconditional love and it is the purpose of each one of us to express that love to ourselves.

When we are all fully awake and conscious of the fact that we are unconditional love, then all will be well within the physical reality.

Love and light to you from Andrew Paul Smith (aka Barnabas) :) <3

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