Monday 26 May 2014

Be Positive!


"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." - Wayne Dyer

To make “The Shift” and even more so to become one who is a “Shift Maker” there has to be a starting place for your journey and that place my friend is right where you are at this moment in your life! We are going to assume that because you have sent for this booklet you are interested in what we call “The Shift” and that maybe you want to make “The Shift” yourself?

If that is so, then you are half way there! So, if this is the right moment for you to make “The Shift”, what has brought you to it? Here we all seem to follow the dictate of that often quoted line: “The one thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history!”

As a human society we don’t seem to learn from our mistakes and yet the brightest minds tell us that: “We will never escape the problems we have created, by using the same mind-set that we did to get them!” We need to escape the rationale that brought us here!

Nothing we have experienced before “The Shift” has worked long term; we soon fall back into our old ways of doing things. We often start off with good intentions, but as it has been said they often lead us onto the road to hell. Maybe you have come to this place of readiness to make The Shift, because you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired?

So how do we do that? How do we enter a new paradigm, how do we make “The Shift” and become healthy and whole? Well, first we need to recognise that we can’t go on making the same mistakes as individuals or as a society and not learn from those mistakes; because this results in us not changing the way we approach things. If we don’t learn this we are condemned to continue going on repeating the mistakes of the past.

Our parents, our teachers, our peer group and society all have a set way of thinking and acting to which they would like us to adopt and comply with. They would say: “Our way has worked for centuries!” but has it? We still have wars, famines, economic unfairness’s where a person can work 40 hours plus a week but still can’t provide for themselves without seeking outside assistance; this is better being described as what it is: wage slavery.

Something has to change, this is a world of cause and effect and rather than the spiritual being a metaphoric way of understanding the matter universe, it is the matter universe (that which Einstein described as: “an illusion however persistent”) which we call “reality”, which is merely a metaphoric representation of the spiritual!

If we want real change we must think of what spiritual actions will be the cause of the effect we would like to see. Now it seems glaringly obvious that if we continue to follow the path of negativity, it will continue to lead us down to wars, famines, wage slavery and the like. This negativity is based on fear, fear of someone taking something that we think belongs to us, it also leads to greed where tons of food rots away whilst people starve, and has us all worshipping at the altar of profit, with all the ugliness that this maligns our society with!

There is a simple answer to all this and that is to BE POSITIVE, as long as that positivity is based on love for our planet and its inhabitants and its eco-structure. It all sounds very grand and yet the only way to effect such change is not on a global level, or a political level as some may think. It does not involve Acts of Parliament or changes to the Constitution, with laws that punish those who don’t comply. It starts within the human heart; it is within touching distance of each one of us at the level of our spirits!

Every single thought can be ego based if we don’t run it past the intuition of our spirit! Ego based chaos is apparent for all to see and it really is time for us to adopt a new way of running our own lives. If all the actions we take are based in the expectation of faith, the hope for a better world and with love for our planet and those around us, we can and will make “The Shift!”

Yes we will continue to be surrounded by those who are operating their lives at the old negative level, but as they see how much happier we are they will want to join us. Their fears obviously scare them into doing more and more things that hurt themselves and those they come into contact with. The darkness of night is always vanquished by the coming dawn, the entrance of light shows up the power of darkness as unhelpful. It is always easier to make our way in the light!

We are habitual creates of the night, scuttling about with agendas of greed, hypocrisy and pain. It’s time to walk out into the light, whatever we have done in the past is really of no consequence, but for the world of men and women to stop repeating the mistakes of the past, we all need to own up and become responsible for the society we have created and begin to replace it with one based in love!

I don’t know what you thought you were about to read when you saw the title of this first chapter of our book, but being positive in a spirit of love is the way to initially make “The Shift” and when you continue on up that path it will enable you to become a “Shift-Maker!” To “BE POSITIVE!” is not only in our own interest as individuals but in the interests of our human society too! Everything begins to get better when the individual changes the way they think, do and are. Are you ready to play your part?

We are approaching the tipping point! There is a mathematical equation that says to get to the tipping point all we need is critical mass and that is 3.142% (Pi) of the world population to Shift the planet into the new paradigm. Here’s to better world for us, our children and our grand-children and like Gandhi said let us “become the change we want to see in the world!”

Love and light to you from Andrew :) ♥

Twitter: @APSmithOnline

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