Saturday 30 August 2014

WISDOM 101 - Chapter Eleven (VI)


Barnabas the Blogger has changed location, if you want to read his writings from now on please visit and in the left hand column, under "Categories" you will see Barnabas waiting there for you!

Love and light to you from Andrew (aka Barnabas)

Linked In:                                                Email:

Tuesday 29 July 2014

WISDOM 101 - Chapter Eleven (V)


Barnabas the Blogger has changed location, if you want to read his writings from now on please visit and in the left hand column, under "Categories" you will see Barnabas waiting there for you!

Love and light to you from Andrew (aka Barnabas)

Linked In:                                                Email:

Monday 28 July 2014

WISDOM 101 - Chapter Eleven (IV)


Barnabas the Blogger has changed location, if you want to read his writings from now on please visit and in the left hand column, under "Categories" you will see Barnabas waiting there for you!

Love and light to you from Andrew (aka Barnabas)

                                             Linked In:                                                Email:

Wednesday 16 July 2014

WISDOM 101 - Chapter Eleven (III)


Barnabas the Blogger has changed location, if you want to read his writings from now on please visit and in the left hand column, under "Categories" you will see Barnabas waiting there for you!

Love and light to you from Andrew (aka Barnabas)

                                             Linked In:                                                Email:

Tuesday 15 July 2014

WISDOM 101 - Chapter Eleven (II)


Barnabas the Blogger has changed location, if you want to read his writings from now on please visit and in the left hand column, under "Categories" you will see Barnabas waiting there for you!

Love and light to you from Andrew (aka Barnabas)

                                             Linked In:                                                Email:

Monday 14 July 2014

WISDOM 101 - Chapter Eleven (I)


Barnabas the Blogger has changed location, if you want to read his writings from now on please visit and in the left hand column, under "Categories" you will see Barnabas waiting there for you!

Love and light to you from Andrew (aka Barnabas)

                                             Linked In:                                                Email:

Friday 11 July 2014

My pdf book the "Top 20 Tips" NOW available for FREE!

Here's where to go to get your copy of my 38 page 10,500 word pdf book "The Top 20 Tips" which cost £6.99 (about $10) on my website for FREE if you would be kind enough to subscribe to my email correspondence list:

Thursday 19 June 2014

Wisdom 101 - Chapter Ten


Barnabas the Blogger has changed location, if you want to read his writings from now on please visit and in the left hand column, under "Categories" you will see Barnabas waiting there for you!

Love and light to you from Andrew (aka Barnabas)

                                             Linked In:                                                Email:

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Wisdom 101 - Chapter Nine


Barnabas the Blogger has changed location, if you want to read his writings from now on please visit and in the left hand column, under "Categories" you will see Barnabas waiting there for you!

Love and light to you from Andrew (aka Barnabas)

                                             Linked In:                                                Email:

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Wisdom 101 - Chapter Eight


Barnabas the Blogger has changed location, if you want to read his writings from now on please visit and in the left hand column, under "Categories" you will see Barnabas waiting there for you!

Love and light to you from Andrew (aka Barnabas)


Monday 16 June 2014

Wisdom 101 - Chapter Seven


Barnabas the Blogger has changed location, if you want to read his writings from now on please visit and in the left hand column, under "Categories" you will see Barnabas waiting there for you!

Love and light to you from Andrew (aka Barnabas)


Thursday 12 June 2014

Wisdom 101 - Chapter Six


Barnabas the Blogger has changed location, if you want to read his writings from now on please visit and in the left hand column, under "Categories" you will see Barnabas waiting there for you!

Love and light to you from Andrew (aka Barnabas)


Monday 9 June 2014

Wisdom 101 - Chapter Five


Barnabas the Blogger has changed location, if you want to read his writings from now on please visit and in the left hand column, under "Categories" you will see Barnabas waiting there for you!

Love and light to you from Andrew (aka Barnabas)


Thursday 5 June 2014

Wisdom 101 - Chapter Four


Barnabas the Blogger has changed location, if you want to read his writings from now on please visit and in the left hand column, under "Categories" you will see Barnabas waiting there for you!

Love and light to you from Andrew (aka Barnabas)


Wednesday 4 June 2014

Wisdom 101 - Chapter Three


Barnabas the Blogger has changed location, if you want to read his writings from now on please visit and in the left hand column, under "Categories" you will see Barnabas waiting there for you!

Love and light to you from Andrew (aka Barnabas)

Twitter: @APSmithOnline

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Wisdom 101 - Chapter Two


Barnabas the Blogger has changed location, if you want to read his writings from now on please visit and in the left hand column you will see Barnabas waiting there for you!

Love and light to you from Andrew (aka Barnabas)

Twitter: @APSmithOnline

Monday 2 June 2014

Wisdom 101 - Chapter One

"Wisdom cries aloud in the street; in the markets she raises her voice; on top of the walls she cries out; at the entrance of the city gates she speaks: "How long oh simple ones, will you love being simple? How long will the scoffers delight in their scoffing and fools hate knowledge? Give heed to my reproof; behold I will pour out my thoughts to you, I will make my words known to you!" - Proverbs 1 v 20-23 (RSV)
I'm not the first and I won't be the last to garner wisdom from the book of Proverbs in the scriptures. If you are going to look for WISDOM there seems to be no better place to look than to the words of the wisest man who ever lived King Solomon! In the months of June  and July I am going to take a whistle stop tour of the book of Proverbs and share the insights I gain in it's pages.
When I walked away from my local church over twenty years ago after spending many hundreds of hours involved in the leadership and outreach of the church I had a thought. Wouldn't be great to get away from the interpretations that I had explained to me in Bible School and Sunday by Sunday in Church and finally read the scriptures for myself and see what they said to me, without any outside influences.
This is my second attempt at such an exercise, in the first I looked at the words of Jesus as recorded in the New Testament, that remains an incomplete project, maybe I will return to it after I complete my work with Proverbs. It seemed right to take on such a project as I have been copying and pasting old articles here on my website since the beginning of January and it is time for something new from me.
The purpose of Proverbs
CHAPTER ONE as you would expect is a scene setter for the rest of the book, but is still full of insights. KING SOLOMON says he has written this book so that we may know wisdom and instruction and understand words of insight (verse 2) and receive instruction in wise dealing, righteousness, justice, and equity (verse 3).
Maybe you've never read this book before or studied it; my insights on the book may be different to yours and that is ok by me. This is my website and so I am sharing what insights I find in the book and if they help you that is wonderful. If however all I do is point you in the direction of seeking out wisdom from the pages of Proverbs for yourself, then I am a happy man. The wisdom and instructions it contains will help you live a happier and more fulfilled life, of that I am sure!
Warnings against violence 
In verses ten to nineteen of this first chapter we are told that however easy it may seem to use force to get what you want in this life, we must not "make haste to shed blood" to get what we want (verse sixteen). A challenging image is given, that the ones who are trapped by the nets that were meant to ambush their prey, are those who set them (verse eighteen). Jesus himself said: "Those who live by the sword will die by the sword!"
So if we want to get anywhere in this life through setting up a scheme that will hurt others to enable us to get what we want, then it will end up harming us! Wisdom says don't get involved with those who want to get rich in this way. Tricking others is not the way to make a fortune, just to loose one! Do everything you do with an open heart is how I understand what is being said here. Be ethical, be honest, go for win/win every time!
Warning against neglect of wisdom 
In my opening quote we are reminded that wisdom isn't hidden from us, it is much more likely that we don't hear it through choice. We prefer to do things our own way, to "make our own mistakes in life." I will admit to having said "If you are going to make a mistake, make a big one; because you'll learn a lot more a lot quicker, than if you only make small mistakes!" However, it is always worth listening to wisdom, it can save you such a lot of heartache! Listen to those who have been there and made mistakes, gain wisdom from their errors and as a result you will make less of your own mistakes.
Verse twenty-two challenges us all "How long, O simple ones, will you love being simple?" I didn't know! It wasn't my fault! I couldn't help it! Are all the excuses of those who prefer to not to take responsibility for their own lives. As the chapter goes on, it really mocks those who choose not to listen to the wisdom that is available, wisdom that eagerly wants itself to be known. It gets worse, wisdom says that those of us who refuse to listen and later call out for it's help will be ignored; there is an urgency we should therefore feel in seeking out wisdom, don't you think?
"The complacency of fools, destroys them" says verse thirty two! As always those with scripture we come to words of comfort at the end of the chapter, when we are told those who "listen to me will dwell secure and will be at ease, without dread of evil (verse thirty-three)! It seems like this journey I am about to make through the book of Proverbs will be of some benefit to us all!
Love and light to you from Andrew :) ♥
Twitter: @APSmithOnline

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Manifesting What You Were Sent Here To


"Genius. It is just attention to something specific. That's all it is. Law of Attraction makes it happen, and so anyone who gives attention to any subject for a period of time will evolve in the direction of that understanding!" Abraham

There has been much recently written and said about “The Law of Attraction.” It was initially through the teachings of Abraham, as brought to us by Esther and Jerry Hicks, this concept first emerged. Later on it was through the movie “The Secret” that the world of self-development became more fully aware of it. “Cosmic Ordering” and the like, have expressed similar ideas and for “Shift Makers” The Law of Attraction is something often alluded to in our conversations.

For those of you that are new to this idea, by all means do your own research but for the purpose of our booklet I would like to share with you my ideas around three aspects of this subject and they are: 1). Following Intuition, 2). Feeling Attraction and 3). Loving Manifestation.

1). Following Intuition

I suppose it all depends on your world view and what sense you make out of your own existence. I believe each human being has a purpose, and that is what makes sense of each life for me. Not just the major events, but the small and seemingly insignificant moments too. It is all like some five dimensional interactive matrix of infinite possibility, everything we do affects everyone else.

And yet we are at the centre of what we call our lives. It may all seem a little haphazard or too complicated to understand, because we only have the capacity to truly understand all that is happening from our own view point. It is my belief that we are essentially spiritual beings having a human experience and that we all signed up for this that life we are now living.

At the point we decided to incarnate here, I believe we fully understood what this lifetime would be about for us. In some cultures this “knowing” is personalized and is spoken of as our guardian angel, doppelganger or daemon. Others talk about this part of us as being the higher self. It is therefore imperative, if such an expression of our being exists that can enable us to follow our intuition or pre-knowing (and not in some random or haphazard way), that we must reconnect to our higher self.

We can achieve this through silence or meditation, rather than waiting for some deeper knowing just to show up when we have a lucid moment. If we still our hearts and ask our higher selves to tell us what is the best path for us to take to achieve our purpose, we will be better equipped to deal with each day as it arrives.

2). Feeling Attraction

As we get down to basics, whether we have connected with our higher selves or not; we do feel attracted to certain people, certain employment opportunities and types of experience, as if such desires are already pre-written into our DNA. This is a cause and effect universe, but we do seem to have a pre-disposition in favour of certain events happening to us, because of our life’s previous history and present trajectory.

We have seen recently with the work at the Hadron Collider that even at the smallest quantum level the once only imagined Higgs Boson does act as a type of glue that brings particles together to form pre-solids. I believe that our thoughts are the most magnetic things in the human world, and that we can effect change to our personal circumstances based on our thoughts.

As if by magic we can create something that didn’t previously exist. Think of Henry Ford and the first mass produced motor vehicle the Model T; Frank and Wilbur Wright and the airplane; and also John Logie Baird and the television to name but three. So it is within our own lives with can begin to attract today the feelings and experiences that were previously unknown to us.

Another way of describing the Law of Attraction is through faith; because with the certainty that this is how things are supposed to work out for us, (a knowing of the higher self,) we can experience our dreams. If we are open to the concept of the Law of Attraction, we can see it and also make use of it.

3). Loving Manifestation

Some of us are scared at our lives taking a twist in a different direction; we are comfortable with what we know. To journey into the unknown, to take on new challenges and to be a risk taker “without the aid of safety net” is not for the timid, that much is true! But think of it, why are you and I here, what caused us to individualize? Surely not to be a replica of anyone else who ever lived!

Manifestation sounds like something from the “Twilight Zone” and yet there really isn’t much purpose in repeating exactly what someone else has done, unless you are playing the part in a play or film. You are here to be different, to experience life in a way that no-one else has ever done before. You are here to leave behind you something that no-one else ever did before!

You should be constantly asking yourself, what is my contribution in the here and now? What would I love to do if I wasn’t scared of stepping out and becoming self-conscious as a result? What is in my heart to do, how can I manifest what I was sent here to be to the best of my ability?

The Law of Attraction not only tells us why things happen the way they do, but also how we can make use of this cause and effect universe to bring about that which we were sent here to add to human life on planet Earth. What is the most important cause you could involve yourself wholeheartedly in? That most surely is your passion! It’s time to manifest your passions through your individuality and to do that which you love from the level of your soul!

Love and light to you from Andrew :) ♥

Twitter: @APSmithOnline

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Self Love


“Our tendency to point out the weaknesses of others is a way to avoid facing our own shortcomings and areas needing improvement.” - Alan E. Nelson

For us to be able to move “From The Me To The We” and to make the Shift it is imperative that each one of us should first know who the “Me” is. For those unaware of their own true nature it will be almost impossible to make that journey. To move on to the next level of our humanity we must realize the difference between our higher and lower emotions.

The emotional frequency we vibrate on acts as a magnet and will draw more of whatever it is that we emote. The lower emotions should be avoided and any time we feel ourselves being dragged down into anger, jealousy, greed, selfishness, envy, hatred and the like we need to realise that depression, sadness and disappointment must surely follow into our experience.

I recently read about two dogs that went into the same room; one came out happy and waging its tail, the other angry and barking. How could the same room have such a different effect on the two dogs, what did the room contain? The simple answer is that all that was in the room was mirrors and the dogs were only seeing a reflection of themselves. Until we love ourselves, we will never love the reflection of us that we see in the lives of others!

To love ourselves with all our faults is the first stage to loving others! To meditate on the following concepts and how to integrate each one of them into our lives will help us with this journey: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5: 22&23). If we cultivate these higher emotions then we will by default weed out the lower ones!

When you look in the mirror what do you see? Do you ever stare into your own eyes and say to yourself “I love you, I really love you!” One man who did this a number of times told his wife that he thought he was developing a kind of schoolboy crush. At first she was alarmed until he told her who he had fallen in love with she said “That’s exactly right we all need to have that love for ourselves!”

Have you ever heard of Thomas Leonard and his “28 Laws of Attraction?” In his preface he tells people to look at the 28 and then to choose just 6 of these “laws of attraction” to adopt. When I saw the list I read “Be Selfish!” and I thought to myself, well there is one I will never adopt! It intrigued me so I went to read it first and what he said was along the lines of: The only way you can ever truly be of help or service to others is by looking after and loving yourself first, and of course he is correct.

Jesus said “How can you say to your brother, 'Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,' when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye!” (Luke 6 verse 42) a friend of mine once said some people don’t have so much a plank in the eye as a shed on their head!

So we must love ourselves and the spirit of the oneness that resides in us, so that we are prepared to love the oneness in others. This is the meaning of the word Namaste: I honour the place in you in which the entire universe dwells. I honour the place in you which is of love, of truth, of light and of peace. When you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, we are one!

Until we are ready to love ourselves and accept that although we are individuals, we all belong together! Until we know that our consciousness has fully awakened and we as individuals have made the shift, our belonging to the oneness will be in question. The concepts of I, me, and mine will continue to rule in our ego laden culture with all the sadness, anger and destruction that follow them.

To make the shift we need to start to love ourselves in a non-egocentric way; because when we do all life on Earth will benefit! Greed and hunger will be gone not because of the interference of politicians, economists or armies, but because in fully loving ourselves we will have learned how to love each other!

Love and light to you from Andrew :) ♥

Twitter: @APSmithOnline

Monday 26 May 2014

Be Positive!


"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." - Wayne Dyer

To make “The Shift” and even more so to become one who is a “Shift Maker” there has to be a starting place for your journey and that place my friend is right where you are at this moment in your life! We are going to assume that because you have sent for this booklet you are interested in what we call “The Shift” and that maybe you want to make “The Shift” yourself?

If that is so, then you are half way there! So, if this is the right moment for you to make “The Shift”, what has brought you to it? Here we all seem to follow the dictate of that often quoted line: “The one thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history!”

As a human society we don’t seem to learn from our mistakes and yet the brightest minds tell us that: “We will never escape the problems we have created, by using the same mind-set that we did to get them!” We need to escape the rationale that brought us here!

Nothing we have experienced before “The Shift” has worked long term; we soon fall back into our old ways of doing things. We often start off with good intentions, but as it has been said they often lead us onto the road to hell. Maybe you have come to this place of readiness to make The Shift, because you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired?

So how do we do that? How do we enter a new paradigm, how do we make “The Shift” and become healthy and whole? Well, first we need to recognise that we can’t go on making the same mistakes as individuals or as a society and not learn from those mistakes; because this results in us not changing the way we approach things. If we don’t learn this we are condemned to continue going on repeating the mistakes of the past.

Our parents, our teachers, our peer group and society all have a set way of thinking and acting to which they would like us to adopt and comply with. They would say: “Our way has worked for centuries!” but has it? We still have wars, famines, economic unfairness’s where a person can work 40 hours plus a week but still can’t provide for themselves without seeking outside assistance; this is better being described as what it is: wage slavery.

Something has to change, this is a world of cause and effect and rather than the spiritual being a metaphoric way of understanding the matter universe, it is the matter universe (that which Einstein described as: “an illusion however persistent”) which we call “reality”, which is merely a metaphoric representation of the spiritual!

If we want real change we must think of what spiritual actions will be the cause of the effect we would like to see. Now it seems glaringly obvious that if we continue to follow the path of negativity, it will continue to lead us down to wars, famines, wage slavery and the like. This negativity is based on fear, fear of someone taking something that we think belongs to us, it also leads to greed where tons of food rots away whilst people starve, and has us all worshipping at the altar of profit, with all the ugliness that this maligns our society with!

There is a simple answer to all this and that is to BE POSITIVE, as long as that positivity is based on love for our planet and its inhabitants and its eco-structure. It all sounds very grand and yet the only way to effect such change is not on a global level, or a political level as some may think. It does not involve Acts of Parliament or changes to the Constitution, with laws that punish those who don’t comply. It starts within the human heart; it is within touching distance of each one of us at the level of our spirits!

Every single thought can be ego based if we don’t run it past the intuition of our spirit! Ego based chaos is apparent for all to see and it really is time for us to adopt a new way of running our own lives. If all the actions we take are based in the expectation of faith, the hope for a better world and with love for our planet and those around us, we can and will make “The Shift!”

Yes we will continue to be surrounded by those who are operating their lives at the old negative level, but as they see how much happier we are they will want to join us. Their fears obviously scare them into doing more and more things that hurt themselves and those they come into contact with. The darkness of night is always vanquished by the coming dawn, the entrance of light shows up the power of darkness as unhelpful. It is always easier to make our way in the light!

We are habitual creates of the night, scuttling about with agendas of greed, hypocrisy and pain. It’s time to walk out into the light, whatever we have done in the past is really of no consequence, but for the world of men and women to stop repeating the mistakes of the past, we all need to own up and become responsible for the society we have created and begin to replace it with one based in love!

I don’t know what you thought you were about to read when you saw the title of this first chapter of our book, but being positive in a spirit of love is the way to initially make “The Shift” and when you continue on up that path it will enable you to become a “Shift-Maker!” To “BE POSITIVE!” is not only in our own interest as individuals but in the interests of our human society too! Everything begins to get better when the individual changes the way they think, do and are. Are you ready to play your part?

We are approaching the tipping point! There is a mathematical equation that says to get to the tipping point all we need is critical mass and that is 3.142% (Pi) of the world population to Shift the planet into the new paradigm. Here’s to better world for us, our children and our grand-children and like Gandhi said let us “become the change we want to see in the world!”

Love and light to you from Andrew :) ♥

Twitter: @APSmithOnline

Thursday 8 May 2014

Get Access To Your Spiritual Awakening Here


Here’s my first guided meditation, written just for you.

“We have to unlearn what we have learned, to know what we knew.” – Barnabas

The purpose of writing this article was to help bring you to a moment of deeper awareness, a time where you will be “in the moment” like never before, to give you a brief escape into non duality. Others have called this an “a-ha” moment, a moment of revelation, and then like Archimedes in his bath, you will shout out “Eureka!” So, just stop thinking about the cares of your day, and make a note of them and my hope is that later when you return to them you will have a new perspective on how to triumph over any difficulties you may have been encountering before you started reading

I want you to realise that you are the great designer of your life. You are the one that has been putting all of these experiences together, and unlike what you may have previously thought, none of it was random. Please put your hand on your chest and feel that beating heart of yours. That is what is known by philosophers and spiritual men and women as purpose. You were meant to be here in this moment with me, to enable you to rediscover something you already knew about yourself, and yet it has been hidden from you.

The time for stillness has arrived! The time to let the waters become crystal clear, it’s time for you to gain a fuller perspective on your life. “Think back to when you were a child, Your soul was free, your heart ran wild, Each day was different, and life was a thrill, You knew tomorrow would be better still!” (Larry Norman). It’s time to regain that child-like experience, to know what you knew back then. Your soul is speaking to you; can you hear what is being said?

Religion has often helped people to come to this place, to show people how to reconnect with their soul, but sadly it has been used to help people to be defined as a follower of this or that, rather than to be able you to define yourself. I would like you to consider instead, what would the happy go lucky child, whose love for life and excitement for tomorrow that you once were, make of the person you’ve become? Maybe they would ask you “Where has the thrill of being alive gone?”

It’s time for you to find yourself. It’s time to rediscover your soul; time to see that the purpose of the experience that you call reality, has always been to bring about your own soul’s expectation of heaven on earth; time to realise that most of the things that concern those unconnected with their souls are of little or no consequence whatsoever; it’s time to bring happiness where sadness existed; it’s time to allow yourself to experience joy that is so full that words can’t explain; it's time for you to experience joy unspeakable.

Just for a few moments let go of all the troubles large and small that have crowded your thinking for far too long; please let them all go. Re-connect with the child-like soul inside you! Have that intention and it will be so. Here in this place of joy unspeakable, the concerns of our thinking seem unimportant, and now it's possible to feel what life is really all about. It’s time no longer be focus our awareness on what our parents and peers have programmed us to think, but instead to be, maybe for the first time, in touch with how the spiritual oneness feels.

Listen to your soul. Take some time now to reconnect. What questions come to mind? Maybe you’d like to ask your soul, the same life-force that has been engineering all the events of your life to bring you to this present moment “What do you want me to do next?” “What have you been preparing me for?” “How can I use all the experiences of my life to be a blessing to myself, my family, my friends and the whole world?”

Write down all and any answers you receive and come back to this place every day and find what is good for your soul. As you start to think about the world you left behind to approach this moment of awakening, maybe you will find that some of the concerns and problems you wrote down at the beginning of this meditation now seem solvable or insignificant? I believe that having the clarity to enable you to live your life your way, will become a real blessing for you and for those whose lives you touch.

Love and light to you from your Andrew (aka Barnabas) :) <3

To download a FREE audio copy of my article please visit: Access To Your Spiritual Awakening Here

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Volume One of my Daily Insights now available for purchase


Saving PL Travers


"The wind’s in the east and a mist coming in, like something is brewing and about to begin. I can't put me finger on what lies in store, but I fear what's to happen, all happened before!" - Bert the Chimney Sweep from "the Mary Poppins" film.

As a child I can remember no better visit to the cinema than the first time I saw the film “Mary Poppins.” It made me laugh, it made me cry and best of all it made me think about my Dad. Up to that point in time it was my Mum who was the central character to my little life and to this day her influence on my character is plain for all those who knew her to see. My Dad was someone I hadn’t taken that much notice of he worked three jobs, one of them was through the night, which enabled him to take work through the day. It was the Disney film based on PL Travers Mary Poppins book which alerted me to the plight of my Father’s labours in making ends meet.

Bert: “Begging your pardon, but the one my heart goes out to is your father. There he is in that cold, heartless bank day after day, hemmed in by mounds of cold, heartless money. I don't like to see any living thing caged up.” Jane: “Father? In a cage?” Bert: “They makes cages in all sizes and shapes, you know. Bank-shaped, some of 'em, carpets and all.”

In later life, my Dad became my hero; a place no-one else will ever remove him from. It seems that subconsciously at least I had understood the intention of the makers of the Mary Poppins film, that the central character wasn’t there to care for the children, but to embolden and release their father from his bank-shaped cage and to alert the children to his place of importance in their lives. Recently after watching Mary Poppins dozens of times with our children whilst they were growing up, my eldest daughter bought the recently released DVD “Saving Mr Banks.” It has been my joy to watch the film twice and to gain the following insights from the film.

1). ALWAYS KEEP YOUR PROMISES: Walt Disney was a man who had promised Sharon and Diane his daughters that one day he would make a film of their much loved children’s book character Mary Poppins. It took him twenty years to persuade PL Travers to sign over the rights to make the film, but in doing so (at least in this film version anyway) he made a promise to the author to make Mr Banks, who we learn is a representation of PL Travers father, into a hero.

2). ALLOW FILM-MAKERS TO USE DRAMATIC AND POETIC LICENCE: The central character of the new film dies an alcoholic, but according to Wikipedia he died of influenza. The author PL Travers was against the improperness of the presumption and optimism of the people she met in Los Angeles and the effect they were having on the big screen representation of her book saying that “Mary Poppins is the enemy of sentiment and whimsy!” I am with the Sherman brother’s on this when they asked her “Does it really matter?” with the implication that as long as the true meaning of the story gets across the fine detail of the story and even some of its gravitas could be lost without any harm being done.

3). DESPITE ITS FAULTS AND FAILINGS FAMILY IS IMPORTANT TO US ALL: Both filmmaker and author had less than ideal childhoods.
Elias Disney had been overall a good father, celebrated in Disneyland with a shop window that displays his name, and yet one of his acts of desperation in keeping his newspaper delivery business afloat was to use the unpaid services of his children Roy (at age 10) and Walt (at age 8) despite their shoes having holes and the snow being deep.
And then, Travers Goff who was sacked as Manager of the bank and demoted to Bank Clerk, maybe due to his alcoholism which the film portrays took him to an early death; yet though Walt Disney’s changes to the intended story line made him into a hero and to be loved not just by PL Travers but children like me all over the world.

4). IT IS OK TO TRUST OTHERS WITH OUR MOST PRECIOUS THOUGHTS: Walt Disney remembered how possessive he had been about a few line drawings of Mickey Mouse way back in the early days, so he knew how PL Travers felt about Mary Poppins. Just like the memories of their imperfect fathers, their own creations were “family” too and although it is difficult to trust others with something that we have created, whether it be an idea, a book and especially our children (in the case of parental approval for would be partners) we need to lighten up and become those who allow the kaleidoscope of human existence and interaction to continue on without us, as one day it most certainly will.

5). THAT WHICH SEPERATES US IS LESS IMPORTANT THAN WHAT UNITES US: According to the “Saving Mr Banks” film story what allowed Disney to make the film was the finding of common ground between the two main characters. As we know the Disney Organisation and Hollywood biopics don’t always stick to the facts and yet they are excellent story tellers. As I see it the main function of a story teller, is not how accurately the story is told, but the impact it has on the reader of the story. If we can see the problems that other people are experiencing either in a book or a film and how they handle those problems we may then be able to live our lives more fully? Finding things that unite us with those we seem to be at odds with, is a most certain way forward to the resolution of future conflicts we may encounter.

6). IT IS WORTH CONSIDERING SHEDDING OUR DEEPLY ROOTED DISAPPOINTMENTS: At the end of the film “Saving Mr Banks” Walt Disney appeals to PL Travers to do a rethink about the way she lives her life. He suggests that she expected to be disappointed by him and the Disney staff members and went about finding ways for her prior analysis to become true. Yes life can be harsh and things may not work out the exact way we want them to be, but it is still within our control to rise up above the unpleasant circumstances of our lives and find that we are surprised by a joy, which has been waiting for so long to meet us!

7). PEOPLE ARE MORE COMPLICATED THAN FILMS CAN EVER PORTRAY: I recently read a quote from Emma Thompson who like all great actors did much research into the life of Helen Goff (PL Travers was just a nom de plume like my Barnabas is) and said of her that she was “… a woman of quite eye-watering complexity and contradiction.”

8). NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO BE SAVED: I see another story being told in the film “Saving Mr Banks” one that as in all Disney and Hollywood films has a happy ending. We not only see the reputation of Travers Goff being redeemed, but we also see a transformation, of sorts, take place in the thinking of PL Travers too. But, like I said the biopic truth of Hollywood and the facts of reality don’t always match. Having read about the life of Helen Goff, not to the depth that Emma Thompson did I have found that she didn’t change her attitude towards what Disney did to her beloved Mary Poppins, refusing to watch the film after it’s opening night at the Chinese Theatre in LA for 20 years and making sure no Americans were involved in the stage show which was made in the 1980’s.

PL Travers was true to herself, she didn’t allow the schmaltz and sentimentality of Hollywood to change her, she didn’t let her perception of the improperness of the Americans desire to behave in a presumptuous and optimistic way to change her character. Not everyone wants to change or be saved or indeed believe that they have a need for salvation from who they are.

Love and light to you from Barnabas
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"You know, you can say it backwards, which is "docious-ali-expi-istic-fragil-cali-rupus" - but that's going a bit too far, don't you think? - Mary Poppins