Thursday 28 November 2013

A Thanksgiving Message For The Whole World


As our American cousins have been celebrating “Thanksgiving” this week I want us all to remember to be thankful for the blessings we have. We can all be thankful for our lives and the loved ones we share and have shared our lives with. The fact that you are reading this tells me that you have a connection to the internet which more than likely means that you have a roof over your head, food in your belly and clothes on your back? So there is plenty to be thankful for there!

In this post banking crash world, where the rich have never had it so good financially and the poor and the middle class seem to have comparatively little, nevertheless the attitude of gratitude is the one that will help us to become better human beings! Just because you haven’t got a large bank balance doesn’t mean that you can’t be grateful and thankful for what you have!

Jesus said “To him who has will more be given, and from him who has not, even what he thinks that he has will be taken away.” (Luke 8 v18) Let us all have more thankfulness and gratefulness in our lives, so that the things we have to be grateful and thankful for might grow in our experience. Let us not live in a world where our thoughts are full of envy of what others have, which lead to anger, misery, conflict and suffering; but instead seek to be at peace in our own souls not only with our possessions but also how we share those possessions with others too.

We must remember that we are one, that we are all from the same source, that the world and its inhabitants are a mirror of ourselves, that we exist TOGETHER if not at all! Western imperialism has plagued our planet for hundreds of years and imperialism of many sorts has plagued our world for millennia! I have shared the map of” The Tribes of the Indian Nation” here to remind our American cousins that the land they live in (with a few exceptions) was not originally the land of their forbears.

We are all living in a land that isn’t ours by right; it has only been leased to us for a short time. The body we walk around in is not our possession either. All of us are pure spirit and it is time for us to get back to our roots. We are one and we belong together! The roots I am talking about are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control! Let us be thankful for the amazing roots from which we were sent into this world and commit to display them more frequently!

Happy Thanksgiving to us all! Love and light to you and those you love from Andrew